파이어폭스로 정말 좋은 파.폭 캡쳐 화면 캡쳐 플러그인 FireShot Webpage Screenshots
나의 생각/팁 그리고 방법2013. 11. 20. 11:57
그동안 다른 브라우저를 사용안하고 있다가 이미지를 캡처할수 잇는 좋은 기능을 찾던중 FireShot Webpage Screenshots 이라는 풀러그인이 잇어서 파이어폭스로 브라우저를 변경하였습니다
그동안 사용해본 캡처 프로그램중 가장 좋은것 같습니다
여러분들도 한번 사용해보세요 기능이 너무나도 많아서 다 알려드리기 어렵고요
일단 설치하고 캡처하고싶은 화면애 우클릭하여 보시면 맨아래 캡처할수 있는 FireShot Webpage Screenshots 가 보일겁니다
그럼 멋진 FireShot Webpage Screenshots 플로그인을 사용해보세요
부가 기능 정보
FireShot Pro - Capture + Annotate Webpage Screenshot captures entirely, edits and saves your webpages.
The newest Pro version (currently 0.98.47) is available for downloading from FireShot's home: http://getfireshot.com
The Pro edition adds features such as:
* Printing
* Saving to multi-page PDF
* Capturing all tabs in one click
* Advanced Editor
* Capturing PDF files
* Crop and Resize functionality
* Undo/Redo
* Clipboard
* Uploading screen shots to custom HTTP or FTP servers
* Work with projects
FireShot is available for Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Seamonkey and Thunderbird. You can get it here: http://getfireshot.com
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/WebpageCapture
The newest Pro version (currently 0.98.47) is available for downloading from FireShot's home: http://getfireshot.com
The Pro edition adds features such as:
* Printing
* Saving to multi-page PDF
* Capturing all tabs in one click
* Advanced Editor
* Capturing PDF files
* Crop and Resize functionality
* Undo/Redo
* Clipboard
* Uploading screen shots to custom HTTP or FTP servers
* Work with projects
FireShot is available for Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Seamonkey and Thunderbird. You can get it here: http://getfireshot.com
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/WebpageCapture